


W40, the single pane partition wall by Tecno

Tecno ceaselessly intent on the subject of space division introduces W40, the new
single-pane partition. 

W40, created by the Centro Progetti Tecno in collaboration with architect Daniele Del Missier, is conceived to offer great possibility for integration. The alignment of the pane with the profile, centered or offset, allows the door system to slide along the profile. The many types of separation offer one-of-a-kind aesthetic and three-dimensional appeal.

With its four industrial patents, W40 guarantees an extremely high level of structural and acoustic performance that, together with its minimalistic styling, make it a versatile object permitting flexible use in various environments (small lounges, temporary meeting rooms, intermediate and service areas).

One of the fundamental characteristics of W40 partition consists of its complete possibility of integration with W80 partition system, resulting from a great drive to rationalize components.

By exploiting the same system of attachment to ceiling and ground, the same modularity of the panels and a special micrometric adjustment device, it is possible to achieve perfect continuity between the two walls in the installation stage and differentiate the general composition of the space in accordance with acoustic comfort requirements.